Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Who are these people?

        50,000 or so Iowans created or sustained the candidacy of a disgraced, indicted libertine former president and fed a media firestorm which supposed that somehow this tiny minority of idiots should somehow have an influence over a nation of nearly 350.,000,000 people.

        Most of tRump's supporters in Iowa seem to be low information, poorly educated evangelical  self professed "christians" with an ideology more proto-fascist than biblical.  While there may be a few true believers among them, the majority embraces the white supremacist view that America was chosen by god to be the redoubt for white, European protestants.    Other religions, ethnic groups and especially blacks need not apply.

      Fortunately, evangelicals play an outsize role in the nominating process, but due to attrition, they make up a smaller slice of the electorate each year.  Hopefully after a conviction or two, tRump may start to lose  some of his luster with women and young people of faith.   There will be little or no drop off in support among his core supporters; old, white men.  They need to go to their reward as quickly as possible.

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