Friday, January 19, 2024

Break out the torches and pitchforks

      According to wage income data provided by the Social Security Administration, the average wage for the bottom 90% of earners has increased (in 2022 adjusted dollars) from a little over $30,000 in 1979 to a little over $40,000 in 2022.   That's less than 1%/year.  the 90-99th percent did better, averaging about 3% per year.  The real winners were the top 1% who tripled their income over the last 40 years..  The biggest winners of all were the top .1% .  Their income soared 344% during that period.  The billionaire class today can now afford to buy senators and supreme court justices whose legislation and judicial rulings will keep this new aristocracy in power for the forseeable future.  The last time such glaring inequality was sanctioned was in France, just before the Revolution.   Pitchforks anyone...

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