Thursday, January 25, 2024

Participation trophies

       The headlines in my local fish wrap today concerned the political fortunes of two prominent Republican women;  Nikki Haley and Elise Stefanik.   The stories were mainly a rehash of Haley's presidential run following the New Hampshire primary and Stefanik's not so subtle campaign to be chosen as tRump's running mate in the 2024 election cycle. 

      Haley's campaign is apparently running on fumes and wealthy donor money as the primary sweepstakes shifts to South Carolina where you would expect her to have a political advantage as a former governor.  Not so.   The state is tRump country and he has used a combination of threats and promises of rewards to line up nearly 150 endorsements, including both senators and the present governor.  As one Democratic official put it, "she is going to get creamed" in the February 24 primary unless she is blessed with the hamburger from heaven event.

     Meanwhile, the shame of NY-23, Stefanik, continues her shameless kissing of the disgraced, indicted former president's backside in an effort to be named the VP candidate.   Love her or hate her, she has some serious political skills and no conscience whatsoever.   The adjectives, repulsive and despicable were used by her Democratic predecessor to describe her politics.   tRumps' advisors are probably telling him she brings nothing to the table except complete subservience.  However, for cheeto Jesus, that may be enough.

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