Thursday, July 6, 2023

We are all in this thing, together

        As I write this, my forearms are sticking to the desk where my computer sits.   It is as unpleasant as it sounds and despite the open window and an overhead fan, it will be another hot and sweaty day here in the north country.

      Of course we will only be dealing with temperatures in the mid 80s to low 90s.  Texans would probably consider this kind of weather as a welcome respite from what they have been enduring.   30 years ago, air conditioning was thought to be an extravagance in this area.   Average daily highs in northern New York were in the low to mid 70s and it often dropped into the 40s at night.  Those days are gone and the Divine Mrs. M is seriously considering air conditioning instead of window fans.

      Climate Change is here, yet hardly any politicians are willing to tell us the truth and offer solutions which may inconvenience us in the short term but preserve the planet for our grandchildren's children.  WTF!

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