The NYT published a meticulously researched article about Clarence Thomas and the Supreme Court yesterday. It shows a direct connection between Thomas and a team of right wing billionaires dating back to the early 1990s. Thomas was supplied with lavish trips and perks by people with business before the Court. It was and continues to be an appalling conflict of interest. In an earlier era, Thomas and probably Samuel Alito as well would have been hounded into resigning as a result of their ethical lapses. However, in the age of tRump, Republicans especially tend to give the middle finger to the public in cases like these.
Many people respond with the cynical take that everyone does it. Yes, the Democrats engage in corruption also, but for the most part it is the garden variety both parties have engaged in since time immemorial. Thomas and Alito and tRump are a symptom of a much more serious malaise gripping the political system. Using their exalted positions for personal enrichment sends a message that Democracy itself is on the auction block. At the very least, Thomas should face censure . But it won't happen.
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