Friday, July 7, 2023

It's that time again

        It seems it's time for the VSP (Very Serious People) to tell us the olds and the poor must suffer in the name of fiscal austerity.   The NYT editorial board says we are all living beyond our means and someone has to pay for it.   Republicans want to cut spending as they always do when a Democrat is in the White House.  However, they are savvy enough to realize cutting Social Security  and or Medicare and Medicaid would be extremely unpopular with their base.    

     Enter the useful idiots at the Times.   Being above the political fray, they can make the case that old people have it too good and they must be made to bear the cuts which will make us fiscally responsible.  Of course, they say they are looking for "changes" to the system, but in reality they mean cuts and means testing which will have to impact many more people in the lower end of income distribution to have a meaningful on expenses.  


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