Friday, May 5, 2023

The hits keep coming

       Courtesy of another Pro Publica article, we now know Clarence Thomas' sugar daddy, Harlan Crow, paid the tuition of the Supreme Court justice's ward at a boarding school to the tune of $6,000/month for at least a year and probably more.   It has been estimated the total of Crow's largesse to Thomas is close to a million dollars.  Now comes a story that shows Thomas' wife, Ginni was in  on the grift also.   She was paid nearly $100,000 to act as a pollster gauging public opinion in the runup to the 2020 election.  It is unclear if she performed any actual work for the money.

     This is minority rule on steroids.   Republicans in general and Thomas in particular have thumbed their noses at any rules or norms meant to curb the appearance of corruption.  By doing so they have made the argument for firm ethics rules for the Supreme Court and for the abolition of lifetime appointments.

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