Thursday, May 4, 2023

Is this our future?

        A mentally ill homeless person was killed by a fellow subway rider the other day and when New York's governor, Kathy Hochul was asked about the murder she replied, '' behavior has consequences", thereby condoning vigilante justice.   

      The entire episode brings to mind the dystopian future imagined by one of the favorite writers of my youth, Robert Heinlein.  He proposed a world not unlike today's America where most people are armed and willing to use deadly force at the drop of the proverbial hat.  Those who prefer not to go armed are treated as second class citizens with no right to challenge their betters.   

      Meanwhile, the subway rider who literally killed Jordan Neely was released from police custody without charges.  I guess it is only a matter of time before an armed person kills someone for the crime of yelling in a subway car.  Welcome to the future.

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