Wednesday, March 1, 2023

National security and tRump

        New polling shows tRump is the prohibitive favorite to capture the GOP presidential nomination for 2024.   I'm not sure how the data can support this conclusion, but I guess the 30% or so of the Republican electorate who are diehard tRump supporters are enough to power him to victory in many of the winner take all GOP primaries.

      Of course this sets up a rematch with Joe Biden next year and the possibility of election deniers in position to alter the voting in key battleground states, not to mention Republican controlled state legislatures enacting vote suppressing legislation.  Biden could conceivably beat Cheeto Jesus by 10 million votes nationwide and yet lose in the electoral college if a few states flip to tRump.  I prefer to think the 2024 election will go the same way as the 1956 contest between the incumbent Dwight Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson with the incumbent winning handily.  The alternative is too terrifying to contemplate.

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