Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Springing and Falling

         For most of my life, growing up in the northeast US, Daylight Savings Time has been an unalloyed good thing as far as I was concerned.  I have always felt a large majority of my fellow citizens agreed with my sentiments regarding DST.   But it seems I am wrong.

        A minority of the population, according to recent polls, favor full time DST.  A smaller percentage don't care one way or the other.  Adding the two together, 42%   of us favor full time DST.   The argument against DST and for full time ST mainly revolves around safety issues and interruption of circadian rhythms.   Of course any time regime is arbitrary and with artificial lighting the latter argument seems pretty bogus.   Safety issues would be transferred from morning to evening.  

      I think the whole issue is more about resistance to change .   

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