Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Greywashing DeSantis

      Despite calls to accurately report the proto candidacy of  Florida man, Ron DeSantis, the "liberal media" has gone out of its way to point out he is not as bad as tRump.   I think much of this greywashing is the media's obsession with horse race politics.   If Jeffrey Dahmer was the only alternative to the twice impeached failed former president you can be sure a puff piece on cannibalism would appear in the paper of record.  

      Let's say it.  De Santis would be a uniquely horrible president, fusing the the worst of libertarianism and authoritarianism in a toxic stew.   Bringing his racist and misogynistic policies to the federal level would do irreparable harm to the body politic.  Here's hoping his brand of in your face hatefulness doesn't transfer to the national stage.

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