Wednesday, February 8, 2023


       On a night when LeBron James surpassed Kareem Abdul Jabbar as the NBA's all time scoring leader, Joe Biden flaunted his longevity in his State of the Union  Address.   At one point, Biden told his audience he has served longer in the legislative and executive branches than any of them.   Meanwhile, at 38 years old, King James appears nowhere near done as far as his career goes.  If he plays until he turns 42 as Jabbar did, he will probably own most all time NBA records.

     Biden seemed at ease as he bantered with Republicans as they heckled him for pointing out truths they would rather forget.   In particular, Empty G kept yelling "Liar" even after Biden invited her to "check it out''.   This is the new face of the GOP.   The SOTU is a bully pulpit for the president and Biden used it to his advantage.  Like James, Biden, despite a few lapses continues to play the game at a high level.

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