Friday, May 3, 2024

Status Quo

        Sam Alito is a monarchist.  If confronted with evidence showing his hatred of democracy, he would staunchly deny it.  Magically sent back in time to the 1770's, Alito would have been a Tory and probably the owner of some of Clarence Thomas' ancestors.  

      There has been a strain of anti-democratic feeling in this country dating back to the theocratic leanings of the pilgrims.  Rarely has it been so obvious as it has over the last 40 plus years dating back to the Reagan years.   Fully 30% of American voters would be in favor of an authoritarian government with a dictator in the presidency.   Virtually all of them are coincidentally tRump voters.  As Ben Franklin might have said, '' Nice little democracy you have here.  Think you can keep it?"

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