Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Knowing what's important

      Palestinians are dying by the hundreds, Sudanese by the thousands and Russians and Ukrainians continue to kill each other.  However, I'm sure a majority of Americans were tuned into the ''hush money" trial of Donald tRump yesterday as Stormy Daniels, aka Stephanie Clifford testified about her one night stand with the disgraced, twice impeached ex president in 2006.

     The details were salacious, as advertised, and by Ms. Daniels' account of the encounter flirted with a sexual assault accusation.  tRump was described as "blocking" Daniels' ability to exit the room.  However, she described the sex as consensual, albeit marked by an imbalance of power.  The clear question being posed to the national audience was do you really want this gross pig of a man to be the most powerful person in the world?  while the title of this post is somewhat tongue in cheek, the question remains.

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