Friday, February 9, 2024

Have they no decency

      The gratuitous verbal slander in special prosecutor Robert Hur's report on Joe Biden's handling of classified documents was calculated as it was over the top.  As one commentator put it, adjectives and adverbs have no place in a prosecutorial summary, especially when explaining a decision not to prosecute.  Much as in James Comey's infamous press conference on Hilary's e-mail management, Hur used his office in a glaringly partisan way, putting his thumb on the scale to slur the president.

      Of course, Democrats, and especially Merrick Garland, bear a share of the blame also.   In the tradition perpetrated by Republicans, only GOP prosecutors are allowed to investigate presidents of either party.  Going all the way back to Watergate there is an unbroken line of Republicans scrutinizing presidents with nary a democrat in the mix.

     Hur knew his comments would provoke another round of "Biden is senile and incompetent " stories.   A craven media ecosystem is likely to let him get away with it.

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