Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Dropping shoes and crashing clown cars

       If you read newspapers and follow cable news, it seems virtually impossible that tRump and his legal troubles and the chaos surrounding the MAGA party are not top of mind of any thinking citizen.   Alas, that doesn't seem to be the case.   A majority of the electorate is still tuned out and thinking more about what's for dinner tonight than the fate of American democracy.

       Meanwhile, those of us who would rather read Heather Cox Richardson than a  take out menu were gratified an appeals court rejected tRump's claim of presidential immunity.   Add the spectacle of house Speaker Mike Johnson's failure to count votes for the impeachment of the Homeland Secretary and you have a hilarious round of schadenfreude served up in time for dinner.  Next up, the death sentence for the tRump organization.  Bring on the popcorn.

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