Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Above or Below

     After reading Jack Goldsmith's column in today's NYT, I no doubt experienced a blood pressure spike.  Goldsmith, an Assistant Attorney General during The Shrub's administration has cultivated an above the fray persona and has appeared as a non partisan talking head on left and right cable news shows.  In this latest essay, he reveals himself as a party apparatchik, issuing smarmy advice to special counsel Jack Smith and implying the Biden administration is persecuting poor Donald tRump to the detriment of the republic.

     I kept waiting for Goldsmith to come around to professing that despite the dangers of prosecuting an ex president, we must preserve the axiom no one is above the law.  But despite admitting tRump had created the mess we now find ourselves in, according to this Republican toady, the optics are just not right and anyhow it is all the Democrats' fault, somehow.

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