I often wonder what causes people to gravitate to charlatans such as Donald tRump or the execrable Steve Bannon. Their fairly transparent lies so deviate from reality in such easily proven ways that a media savvy 10 year old could debunk them in minutes. Yet millions of adults lap up these lies and beg for more. Boiled down to its essence, tRump and Bannon's worldview is the population is made up of two components; them, and the vast majority people whom them view as marks or dupes.
Why do so many attribute positive character to tRump? Part of it is the propaganda networks such as Faux News which repeat the lies tRump and Bannon spew as if they are truth. But, as research has borne out, many people buy into authoritarianism because it answers a powerful need they feel to be told what to do and what to believe. Religion has answered that need for thousands of years, and would be dictators like tRump tap into that same need. I doubt there are any "Atheists for Trump" groups out there.
As always, facts and reality tend to wear away the veneer of "truth" tRump, Bannon and others use to hide their ambitions. It will be interesting to see how a jury responds to fact vs. fiction in the coming weeks.
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