Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Same as it ever was

        Having read Evan Osnos' 11,000 word essay on Joe Biden's quest for a second term I was torn between two responses.   The 72 year old me on the one hand wants to cheer the 81 year old president for his surprising stamina, while at the same time being horrified by the toll he is inviting on himself.  As with many of us, the spirit is willing, but will the flesh respond?

      Osnos gently grilled the president on issues both domestic and foreign and Biden responded with alacrity.  You may not agree with all of his solutions, but you have to respect his reasoning.  His Achilles heel is his age.  He really can't do much about it.   Running the country while campaigning non stop for months is something new for him.  Cheeto Jesus has no such impediments.  It will be a photo finish, but as Rachel Maddow pointed out on Monday night, it is a binary choice.

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