It looks like the Brazilian people by a razor thin margin have ushered Jair Bolsonaro out of office and installed Ignacio lula da Silva as president. Lula carries a heavy load of political baggage, but as I said last week he is the frail hope of those who would see the Amazon rain forest preserved for future generations.
Much like Biden over tRump and Macron over Le Pen in France, voters seem to be rejecting fascism and at least affirming their support for a democratic regime in these countries. The jury is out on the prospects for Italy and Hungary in this regard. What causes us to walk right up to Mussolini or Hitler style fascism only to step back at the last second? I think it is all about power. Not the power to the people movements in the 1960s, but power to crush the "other" and affirm the supremacy of our own tribe. In most cases these days it is the angst of whites confronting a demographic wave which they feel will sweep them into irrelevance.
On a worldwide basis, whites are a rather small minority. Concentrated in Europe and the Americas, whites are responsible for many of the world's ills as well as much of the technology which enables modernity. We need to accept our place in the world and work for everyone's betterment. Let's hope Lula is the tip of the spear of change.